Discussion cloud computing. SLAs use service quality metrics to express measurable QoS characteristics. Select two metrics from the list and provide a descriptive explanation of the importance of including these metrics in the SLA.

Please indicate the priority that should be placed on the metrics you selected when negotiating an SLA.

  • Availability – up-time, outages, service duration
  • Reliability – minimum time between failures, guaranteed rate of successful responses
  • Performance – capacity, response time, and delivery time guarantees
  • Scalability – capacity fluctuation and responsiveness guarantees
  • Resiliency – mean-time to switchover and recovery
  • Security – security measures such as anti-virus updates and patching

Respond substantively to at least two other students’ posts. In your response posts, discuss what should happen when a provider doesn’t meet agreed upon service levels or has missed the minimum performance standards specified in the agreement.

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Discussion cloud computing

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