Discussion Question Hewlett-Packard Company: Network Printer Design for Universality Case Study 500 WDS APA format.

Group Discussion Board Forum 3 Instructions

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Discussion Board Forum 3 Instructions

Read the Hewlett-Packard Company: Network Printer Design for Universality Case Study in the Simchi-Levi et al. text. Submit a thread of 500–700 words and respond to each of the 5 end-of-case discussion questions. Each question must be answered thoroughly and responses must be supported by the concepts introduced in the reading/study materials. Provide a brief description of the concepts and the significance of the concepts to practice in general, as well as what problems might be resolved through successful implementation of the concepts. Support your thread by citing at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles. Your thread must be in current APA format and must include a reference list, and each question/answer must be delineated under an APA heading.

The case study and questions can be found in the attachment


Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., & Simchi-Levi, E. (2008). Designing and managing the supply chain: Concepts, strategies and case studies (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. ISBN: 9780073341521

Discussion Question Hewlett-Packard Company: Network Printer Design for Universality Case Study 500 WDS APA format

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