
 Chapter 14 – From the week’s chapter reading, we learn from the authors that, the use of mobile devices in our society today has indeed become ubiquitous.  In addition, CTIA asserted that over 326 million mobile devices were in use within The United States as of December 2012 – an estimated growth of more than 100 percent penetration rate with users carrying more than one device with notable continues growth.  From this research, it’s evident that mobile computing has vastly accelerated in popularity over the last decade due to several factors noted by the authors in our chapter reading.

Question#1: In consideration with this revelation, identify and name these factors, and provide a brief discussion about them?

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Chapter 15 – According to Crocker and Smallwood, cloud computing represents one of the most significant paradigms shifts in information technology (IT) history, due to an extension of sharing an application-hosting provider that has been around for many years, and was common in highly regulated vertical industries like banks and health care institutions.  The author’s knowledge from their research continue to assert that, the impetus behind cloud computing lies on the idea that it provides economies of scale by spreading costs across many client organizations and pooling computing resources while matching client computing needs to consumption in a flexible, real-time version.

Question#2: Even with this great news about the benefits of the cloud computing applications, the authors have warned the business user community regarding the dangers associated with cloud computing applications.  Please identify and name these grave dangers/risks that pose as concerns, and briefly support your discussion.

Chapter 16 – Microsoft’s SharePoint server product dramatically altered the content and records management (RM) markets.  Crocker (2015), edited by Smallwood research indicated that previous to SharePoint solutions were somewhat cumbersome, managed large quantities of documents, and required extensive implementation efforts for each business applications.  Given all its stated capabilities, SharePoint may be used effectively to help business organizations to govern their information.  However, in order to achieve those benefits, the implementing organizations must take a structured approach to the deployment of its SharePoint environment.

Question#3: Our case study authors have indicated that, for SharePoint deployments, “an ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure.”  Why is that?  From our chapter reading, identify and briefly state why the authors were inclined to believe so?

Chapters 17/18 – From our weekly chapter reading, digital preservation can be defined as the long-term, error-free storage of digital information, with means for retrieval and interpretation, for the entire time span the information is required to be retained.  Though this assessment holds true to the authors, business organizations continue to face significant challenges in meeting their LTDP needs, especially those organizations whose primary mission is to preserve and provide access to permanent records.

Question#4: Looking forward, the authors concluded that, there is going to be a great need for collaboration between both internal and external stakeholders to develop governance policies and strategies to govern and control information assets over long periods of time, among other requirements.  For this to be achievable, the chapter has identified one most important consideration that must be met.  What is that consideration?  Identify, and provide a brief narrative to support your answer.


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