
BUS 330

Discussion 1

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“Contract Administration Office Roles and Responsibilities” Please respond to the following:

  • Determine three to five roles and responsibilities the contract administration office must have in order to execute a contract successfully. Support your response.
  • Imagine you are a contract administrator. Choose the most difficult role for you to play and suggest strategies to perform this role successfully. Support your suggestion.
  • Discussion 2

    “The Do’s and Don’ts of Contract Administration” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, select the three most effective contract administration activities and provide a rationale of your selection. In addition, select two don’ts and speculate on the consequences if the contract administrators were to perform each of those don’ts that you have chosen.
  • Suggest at least two additional do’s and two additional don’ts of contract administration. Support your suggestion.
  • e-Activity

  • Read the article titled “Contract Administration”, located here (https://www.documents.dgs.ca.gov/pd/delegations/chapter11.pdf), and take note of “The Do’s and Don’ts of Contract Administration”. Be prepared to discuss.
  • Discussion 3

    Discussion 1

    “Course Wrap-Up” Please respond to the following:

  • Sum up the three most important concepts you learned from this course and state how you might use these.
  • Identify someone in your life who would benefit from taking this course and explain why.

    Discussion 4

    “Looking Forward” Please respond to the following:

  • Speculate what technology might be able to do in 15 years to improve the contracting process.
  • Hypothesize whether contracting with the government will be easier or more difficult in the future. Provide a rationale for your answer.
  • LEG 440

    Discussion 1


  • Research an example of contractor fraud from a news story from a reliable news outlet. Briefly review the facts and the outcome of the case. Based on the reading and legal issues, was justice served in your example? Why or why not? What other issues may have been present that were not pursued by the government?
  • Discussion 2

    “Sum It Up”

  • Provide two (2) examples that demonstrate an increase or change in your own theories of procurement and contract law since the beginning of this course.
  • Rate the three (3) most important concepts that you learned in this course in order of importance (one [1] being the most important; three [3], the least). Provide a rationale for your ratings.
  • BUS 335

    Discussion 1

    “Week 10 Discussion” Please respond to the following:

  • Go to BizFiling’s Website and read the article titled “Identifying and Addressing Employee Turnover Issues,” located at http://www.bizfilings.com/toolkit/sbg/office-hr/managing-the-workplace/employee-turnover-issues-tactics.aspx. Next, examine your current job position or a job position with which you are familiar. Then, choose three (3) significant factors that you believe have contributed to employees leaving the organization. Next, suggest three (3) methods organizations could utilize to retain their employees. Support your rationale with two (2) examples of such factors / methods.
  • Based on the case study Retention: Deciding to Act (Pg. 718 – Pg. 720), determine whether the major complaints presented in the case study are the true reason for Wally’s Wonder Wash’s high turnover rate. Then, suggest two (2) reasonable retention strategies that Wally’s Wonder Wash could implement. Justify your rationale. Note: Remember, turnover is not always about salary. Therefore, please present strategies that would not involve pay increases.
  • Discussion 2

    ” Please respond to the following:

  • Discuss the primary manner in which the concepts of this course can be applied to your current or future work position.
  • Rate the three (3) most important concepts that you have learned in this course in order of importance (one [1] being the most important; three [3], the least). Provide a rationale for your rating scheme.
  • Discussions

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