Dividend Policy.

This week you will examine your company’s ability to move to the optimal dividend policy. Use the following questions to guide your research and analysis.

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Assignment Preparation

You will find helpful information in the following resource:

    • Principles of Corporate Finance Companion Web site (linked in the Resources).

      Mechanics of Moving to the Optimal

    • If your firm’s actual debt ratio is different from its recommended debt ratio, how should they get from the actual to the optimal? In particular,

      • Should they do it gradually over time or should they do it right now?

      • Should they alter their existing mix (by buying back stock or retiring debt) or should they take new projects with debt or equity?

      • What type of financing should this firm use? In particular,

        • Should it be short term or long term?

        • What currency should it be in?

        • What special features should the financing have?

          Dividend Policy

    • How has this company returned cash to its owners? Has it paid dividends, bought back stock or spun off assets?

    • Given this firm’s characteristics today, how would you recommend that they return cash to stockholders (assuming that they have excess cash)?

      Submit your research and analysis to the assignment area when complete.

      Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information

Dividend Policy

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