DQ 5. 1 

What is the difference between major and minor disruptive behaviors in the classroom? Provide an example of each. What strategies do you plan to utilize to bring positive resolutions when major and minor disruptive behaviors occur? Provide examples from your own experience in the classroom or from your field experience as to how disruptive behaviors were resolved. (150 words)

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DQ 5.2

Prior to the start of sixth period, you have been notified that one of your sixth period students was allegedly using social media to tarnish the reputation of another student. The sixth period class has struggled with engagement to this point in the year, and now this event will only make things more challenging. How would you approach this situation? Would you use this as an opportunity for a class discussion, create community, and improve motivation? Do you continue your lesson as planned, as this is more of an administrative concern? Explain your approach. (150 words)

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