There are several professional nursing organizations including the American Nursing Association (ANA), National League for Nursing (NLN), National Council State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) and so on. These organizations work to the favor of nurses and delivered their voice to the policy makers, which makes the big impact to the nursing workforce development, health care delivery, patient outcomes and other issues of concern to the nursing profession (Minority Nurse 2017). Moreover, these nursing organizations helping nurses with their continuing education, updated research articles on specialty areas, competencies, encouraging the use of evidence-based practice, as well as many other professional and personal advantages. Many nursing organizations hold annual nursing conferences. These conferences bring nurses together from across the country, and oftentimes worldwide, to share advanced nursing education and best practice. These organizations also offer the opportunity to network with nursing colleagues from around the globe. According to Guerrieri, “Belonging to a professional nursing organization brings increased professionalism, autonomy, and self-regulation while offering additional benefits such as social interactions and peer support” (Guerrieri, 2010).

The nursing organizations work carefully and ensure that today’s nursing workforce is well prepared to meet the demands of providing high-quality health care services in an ever-changing complex and challenging health care environment. The nursing organizations and associations are critical for generating the energy, idea and positive work needed to maintain a healthy profession that advocates for the clients and nurses, and the accountability of society (Mathews, 2012). These organizations work with congress and state legislatures to have the needs of nurses and general public and changes for the betterment of both. The goals of professional nursing organization advocacy include greater nurse involvement in providing access to care, determining the scope and authority of practice, and increasing and improving the healthcare workforce. These professional organizations provide webinars, scholarly manuscripts and publish the latest advanced knowledge in a specialty area and the profession that help nurses maintain current knowledge of changes in practices and continued education in their nursing career.

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