Research-based Strategies


As you read through chapter six in your text, you will be exposed to many best practice strategies that educators can use to facilitate instruction in their classrooms. Some of the strategies are more effective than others. There are many variables that factor into the effectiveness of a teaching strategy, types of schools, social factors, size of classrooms, culture of the school, and many others. In order to ensure educators can choose and implement the most valuable strategies in their classrooms that have the probability to yield the most favorable results. Research has been done to show the increase or decrease of experimental groups using these effective strategies.

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Compare Bizar and Daniels “7 best practices” to Marazano’s “9 best practices.”



  • Which do you feel is more relevant to today’s classroom, why?
  • Choose a researcher, whose best practices will work best in the classroom you plan on teaching, why?
  • Which of Marazano’s best practices do you feel will enhance instruction in your classroom, based on your own style and personality.   


MAKE SURE to REFER to Chapter 6 of the text, additional resources and your own insights/experiences.




Book: Hansen, C. B., Buczynski, S., and Pucket, K., S. (2015). Curriculum and Instruction for the 21st Century. Bridgepoint Education.




Read from text, Curriculum and Instruction for the 21st Century:


  • Chapter 6: Evidence-based Models of Teaching
    • This chapter explores a variety of teacher-led and student-centered instructional models.




If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Thank You!


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