
Analyzing Children’s Cognitive Development [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion,

As presented in your text, there are several perspectives which attempt to explain how learning occurs; but regardless of the theoretical perspective, cognitive development is highly dependent on experiences for development. You have been assigned by the Analyzing Children’s Cognitive Development Pre-Activity to one theoretical perspective of cognitive development: Piagetian, Vygotskian, or information-processing.

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In your discussion post,

  • Provide a brief analysis of the behaviors you observed in the Cognitive Development: Infant Block Play (Links to an external site.) video based on the theoretical perspective to which you’ve been assigned. Refer to the table below for some of the key ideas or terms that are associated with each perspective. These should be included in your initial post.
  • Propose at least two strategies or activities that could be used to support development and is consistent with the theoretical perspective to which you were assigned.
  • Discuss how you can involve the children’s family or community to extend the learning for one of your strategies you proposed above.

Theoretical Perspective

Key Ideas or Terms

Piagetian Perspective

schemata, assimilation, accommodation, equilibrium

Vygotskian Perspective

private speech, scaffolding, intersubjectivity, zone of proximal development

Information-Processing Perspective

attention, short and long-term memory, information storage and retrieval, metacognitive knowledge, cognitive self-regulation

Required Resources


Berk, L. E. (2013). Child development(9th ed.). Retrieved from

  • Chapter 6: Cognitive Development: Piagetian, Core Knowledge, and Vygotskian Perspectives
  • Chapter 7: Cognitive Development: An Information-Processing Perspective
  • Chapter 9: Language Development


Oliva-Olson, C., Espinosa, L. M., Hayslip, W., & Magruder, E. S. (2018/2019). Many languages, one classroom. Teaching Young Children, 12(2), 4-7. Retrieved from

  • The full-text version of this article is available through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library. This article provides information about effective strategies for teaching in classrooms with children who speak multiple languages and will assist you in your Dual-Language Dilemma assignment this week.


Virtual Lab School. (n.d.). Cognitive development: Infant block play (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

  • This video shows infants playing with blocks and is required to complete your Analyzing Children’s Cognitive Development discussion this week.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, February 22). Basic Information (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from


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