
  1. Choose two business leaders who have held CEO positions in Fortune 500 companies – one who is presently leading a company and another who has led within the past 20 years. They may or may not have led the same company.
  2. Develop a profile of each of the leaders using the leadership theories studied in class and those found through external research. What type of leaders were they? What was their leadership style?
  3. Research the performance of their respective companies during the time they were leading. Based on your analysis, were they effective leaders? Why or why not?
  4. Compare and contrast the two leaders – do you believe one was more effective than the other? Why or why not?
  5. Based on your research, do you feel the leadership styles required to effectively lead a Fortune 500 company have changed in recent years? Why or why not?
  6. Assess your own leadership style. Do you believe you have what it takes to lead a Fortune 500 Company?


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