
  • 1:The purpose of data analysis is to answer the question, “How am I going to make sense of this data?” Using the Highland Park case study
  • a) briefly describe how you will analyze the data collected from student interviews. Identify a minimum of three steps.
  • b) Describe how the strategy of concept mapping assists the data analysis process.
  • 2: Data interpretation involves answering the question, “So what?” Using the Highland Park case study, 
  • a) describe how the researchers used the following two data interpretation techniques: 1) connect findings with personal experience, and 2) seek the advice of critical friends.
  • Use the textbook as a reference for your assignment and APA 7th edition format. the lenght of this assignment must be between 3-4 pages and it is required to include citations.

Mills, G.E. (2018). Action Research. A Guide for the Teacher Researcher. Pearson. 


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