Effective Writing. Your best friend Anthony Drums has asked your help in securing a job where you work. You want to help your friend, but you know his social media sites have photos and other material that violate your company’s social media policy. You also know that the human resources department of your company always does a thorough search of social media sites of prospective hires. You need to write an email to your friend that explains which content needs to be deleted from his social media accounts and why. You need to discuss how refusal to delete the inappropriate photos and material might impact his ability to get the job. Your email should clearly and specifically state the relevant rules from your company’s social media policy.

Click here to view Anthony’s social media site.

Click here to view your company’s social media policy.

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Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email in which you:

  1. Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email.
  2. Target the appropriate professional audience.
  3. Use appropriate language for professional audience.
  4. Use correct email formatting.
  5. Follow appropriate netiquette rules for electronic communication.
  6. Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.
  7. Provide the following heading on your email and then begin your email:
    1. TO: Anthony Drums
    2. FROM: Insert Your Name
    3. SUBJECT: Create a title that relates to your topic and gets your audience’s attention

Effective Writing

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