Employ: Research Process.


Evaluation Title: Research

This course requires the completion of a major research paper (8 to 10 content pages, not including the title, abstract and reference page) for the final assignment. In order to do this, the writing must be in a style appropriate for an academic discourse community and the references should be academic references. At least five of the articles must be located in the Herzing University Library

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This week’s assignment builds on the unit 4 assessment and completes the gathering of reference materials.

  • Begin with the introduction to the paper which should include the thesis statement.
  • Submit a minimum of 7 primary resources and 3 secondary resources, for one of the following topics (In Unit 4, 3 primary and 2 secondary resources were submitted-please highlight these resources in the new document)
    • 3D Printing
    • High-speed rail
    • Stem Cell Research
    • Crowdfunding
  • Complete the literature review for each of the resources identified
  • Include the APA reference page

The literary resources and introduction should be in APA format.

All citations and references should be in APA format.

Employ: Research Process

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