ENG301 Interview With an Upstander.

For Essay 1, you are asked to share the story of an Upstander you know. This can be a family member, friend, or acquaintance. For the research portion of this essay, you will interview a person who has stood up for another. Examples include somebody advocating on behalf of a group, somebody volunteering such as helping as a shelter, a spiritual leader, etc. The interview should answer the following questions:

  • What is/was the person doing?
  • How did your interviewee become involved in the cause and why?
  • How have the interviewee’s actions positively impacted the lives of those they help?
  • How have the interviewee’s actions positively impacted their own lives?

In addition, the interview should also help you with the required dialogue. Get the person you are interviewing to recount what was said. If your interviewee says they talked to a person, ask them to recount the conversation. Here are some questions you might want to ask:

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  • So what did you (or he, she) say?
  • How did you/they respond?
  • What did you/they do then?

You will need to include dialogue in the form of several exchanges in the essay, and this will allow you to represent accurately what was said.

You can either submit this assignment as a written transcript of the interview or an audio file (mp3 file).

ENG301 Interview With an Upstander

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