English Hw.

This assignment requires you to ponder N. T. Wright’s talk                           ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukyNU51OcnA ) about developing Christian character and to revisit Lunde’s practical suggestions for “remembering, receiving and responding” as part of the “how” answer for the demands of discipleship.


Lunde, Jonathan. Following Jesus, the Servant King: A Biblical Theology of Covenantal Discipleship. Zondervan, 2010. 

Coupling Wright’s emphasis on intentional effort in developing Christian character with Lunde’s biblical “how” insights in chapters 12 through 15, design a retreat for a weekend of Christian discipleship set aside to practice the kind of remembering, receiving and responding that will help attendees to become or grow into their “future selves.

Keep in mind what we’ve been learning regarding Jesus as King and the Christian life as participation in the Kingdom of God. Find ways to incorporate into your retreat plan evidence of careful reflection on how the good news of the kingdom and our resurrection hope in Messiah Jesus should shape our understanding of sanctification and spiritual formation.

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  1. Plan the retreat schedule beginning on Friday evening at 6pm and ending at 3pm on Sunday afternoon.
  2. Include lights-out, wake-up, and mealtimes; menu is unnecessary unless you plan a particular significance related to something to be eaten.
  3. All activities you schedule, including any free time (other than short breaks), must be designed and identified as either Remembering, Receiving, or Responding.
  4. Include a brief description of each activity along with
    1. A notation as to the page number in the Lunde textbook that stimulated your thinking of it, and
    2. The references to any biblical passages specifically involved
  5. Creativity is desirable but faithfulness to the grace and demand of the New Covenant in Christ Jesus is essential.

English Hw

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