

In this essay, you will need to make an argument explaining the role that military personnel (both officers and regular soldiers) played in the conduct, motivation, and outcome of the Civil War.  In other words, how did the decisions made by the officers, and the long-term impact of war on the rank and file, affect the eventual outcome of the Civil War?  In addition, you will need to make an assessment of how well you think Hollywood has presented that argument to the American public. For this question especially, you should take into consideration the years in which these films were produced and discuss what effect Americans’ views of war during those time periods, and the people who fought in them, may have had in influencing Hollywood’s interpretation of this earlier mid-nineteenth-century war.  Remember that the words “positive” and “negative” can be defined in several ways.  Make sure you explain your interpretations carefully.

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Textbook: Michael Perman and Amy Murrell Taylor, Major Problems in the
Civil War and Reconstruction, 3rded. (Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2011).
Make sure you have the 3rdedition.

Chapter 5 – Chapter 6


Gettysburg (1993)

The Red badge Of Courage (1951)

The Horse Soldiers (1959)

In rev your essay, you will need to include material from at least three of our films (Gettysburg can count as two films), as well as use evidence from a minimum of three documents with at least one of them coming from each chapter.  In sum, you need to include material from at least three films AND at least three documents with at least one document coming from each chapter that we read.  Put the page number for all quotations in parentheses after your quote.

You will need to include a short description of the historical arguments conveyed in your films.  You should compare and contrast the arguments made in these films and explain why they may or may not be different.   You will also need to assess the historical accuracy of these films by comparing them with the viewpoints expressed in our documents.  You will need to discuss what you believe to be the historical accuracy of your films and why you believe or question their accuracy.

*  You will then conclude your essay with a restatement of your argument explaining the role that military personnel played in the conduct and outcome the Civil War; as well as make an assessment gof how well you think Hollywood has presented that argument to the American public.

*  Finally, you must defend your argument using the materials we have both viewed AND read during this past week.  You can also include other items in our book to support your argument.

DO NOT bring in outside information for this essay.  You will be able to earn an “A” grade by simply using the material from this course.


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