DUE: 01.10.15 @ 11:59PM



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Please review the post below and the data set of choice(vacation_survey). Identify another variable not discussed and determine whether it is quantitative or qualitative.

The data set of choice here, again, is the “Vacation Survey”(Please see attachment below). 


The main differences between a quantitative variable and a qualitative variable is that a quantitative variable is a variable that you can measure using a number, whereas a qualitative variable is often a more categorical variable that cannot be defined or measured in terms of a number.  An example of a quantitative variable in the vacation survey could be the ages of the individuals or how many vacations they take.  An example of a qualitative variable in the vacation survey could be whether or not they are married or what gender they are.

The data set in the vacation survey is a group of people, aged 24 to 50, with the variables being age, gender, marital status and number of vacations taken per year.  Age and number of vacations are quantitative variables because they can be measured using numbers, whereas marital status and gender are both qualitative variables because they cannot be measured using numbers.

For the qualitative variables, gender and marital status, they would fall under the categorical level of measurement and are discrete.  For the quantitative variables, ages and number of vacations taken, they would fall under the ordinal level of measurement and would be continuous.

A scatter chart is included for the graphical representation of the data found in the vacation survey(see attachment below).




Please review the post below and the data set of choice(Cereal Data). Please further the math conversation by making a graph of a different variable in that dataset. Please copy your graph to a Word Document and attach it.


The data set of choice here, again, is the “Cereal Data”(Please see attachment below). In this group of data, the Quantitative data is the number of cereals, calories, sodium, sugars, carbs, and fibers. The number of cereals is a descreate metric because it’s countable there are 67 kinds of cereals. The measurements of calories and sodium are continuous because they can be measured on a scale like weight or burn time. The qualitative variable is the cereals brand, it can be organized by brand but it is numeric, it’s a category. It’s also nominal because you can’t place them in any kind of order like highest to lowest.


A bar graph of cereals by brand is included(see attachment below).


Document Requirements:


Use standard 12-point font size

MS Word Document 

3/4-1 page paper PER data set(Nothing less then 3/4 of a page and nothing more then 1-page necessary)

1-2 sources in APA citation PER data set(I willn’t need anymore then 3 sources for sure)

Thorough Response is a must!!

 And NO plagiarism!!



*Homework Field of Study: Business Statistics

If you don’t have any expertise in this area of study please don’t waste my time sending a handshake.


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