Family and Lifespan Developmental Theories Brochure.

Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Brochure Builder

    Imagine you are currently working for a family counseling agency and have been asked to create an educational brochure to explain the different perspectives on lifespan and family development.

    Include the following in your 6-panel brochure:

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    • A description of each of the major perspectives on lifespan development, along with a behavioral example of each
    • An outline of the stages in the family life cycle, as well as how they relate to individual lifespan developmental stages
    • An explanation of systems theory, as well as how it applies to family development
    • A description of the interrelations between work, family, and other life roles in family development
    • Include images and graphics, as appropriate.

      Include at least two additional sources beyond the textbook, formatted consistent with APA guidelines.

      Submit your assignment.

Family and Lifespan Developmental Theories Brochure

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