Film: The Hunger Games (2012) & Mockingjay Part One (2014), Danton (1983)

Write a two page response, 650 words count to one of the following two questions. Write in 12-point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, with one-inch margins. Submit in ONLY .doc, .docx, or .pdf formats.

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Source : Rousseau reading are attached in file.

Locke is in this link:…

Rousseau is in this link:…

Choose ONLY ONE prompt: 

1) Katniss exists in a state that seems to bear many similarities to absolutist regime, or Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes believes is the best system of government because it ensures peace. However, Katniss and many of the other Tributes rebel and seek to create a new system of government. Based on your reading of both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, is Katniss’s revolution justified? That is, would Hobbes and/or Locke endorse the revolution she ends up leading as the “Mockingjay”? Why or Why not? In your answer, cite at least one direct quotation from both Locke and Hobbes.


2) Rousseau’s political theory has frequently been accused of justifying violent repression of dissidents or those who oppose political regimes in the name of the “General Will” and “The People.” Based on your viewing of the film Danton, do you believe these criticisms are justified? In other words, are the actions of Robespierre against Danton a correct interpretation of Rousseau’s ideas, or do they represent a corrupted or perverse understanding of Rousseau’s work? In your answer, include at least two direct quotations from Rousseau.

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