For this week’s discussion, research one (1) publicly traded company in which you are interested using the Internet and/or Strayer databases. Locate the company website and financial statements. Also locate information on the types of bonds the company issues. Review the Liabilities section of the company’s Balance Sheet. Be prepared to discuss.

Imagine that you just read about another company in the same industry facing criminal charges for misrepresenting their liabilities. Naturally, you’re worried that the company you’re researching might be doing something similar. Hypothesize a scenario in which someone at the company could intentionally misstate liabilities for his or her personal financial gain. Recommend two (2) actions that these companies can take to prevent or detect intentional misstatements of liabilities for personal financial gain. Justify your response.

Imagine that you are advising an investor who is considering purchasing bonds issued by the selected company. Analyze the types of bonds the chosen company issues. Make a recommendation to the investor as to which type of bond would provide the most value. Justify your response.

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Remarks: Please be detailed, clear and concise and ensure that references are cited using the APA


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