The central literary and theological theme of the Old Testament is God’s covenant relationship with Israel. Assignment Length: Minimum 3 double-spaced pages provide a summary description of God’s covenant with His people as described in the Old Testament. As well, provide a personal reflection on how what you have learned about God’s covenant with His people is meaningful to you. This assignment is intentionally ill-structured. There are many ways that you can choose to approach how you present what you have learned about Old Testament covenants. However you choose to approach the assignment, your essay should demonstrate a broad understanding of the biblical covenants as they unfold throughout the Old Testament.


When appropriate, you should make direct references to specific passages in the Old Testament that deal with the covenant. You may also reference other outside resources in your summary. When referencing Scripture and/or other resources, you must include citation information. There is no specific required citation and documentation format for this assignment. Whichever citation format you choose to use, make sure that you clearly identify when you are referencing information from another source and from what source you secured the information.

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Do not simply quote large sections of material from the course resources or the internet in your final paper essay. Essays that contain large portions of information copied directly from the internet and without appropriate citation will receive zero credit. This does not demonstrate what you have learned. You should reference other sources of information only to support the arguments that you are making in your final essay.



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