Financial Accounting Standards Codification Research Assignment
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Student (L, F):___________________________________________________
Student/Panther ID:_________________________
This assignment is comprised of researching several of the more current technical topics
in accounting and responding to several specific technical standard questions about the
topics. You may be asked to interpret how the technical standard is applied or what the
objective(s) of the related GAAP rules are attempting to address. Note that the FASC is
now the one and only source of the technical GAAP standards; other sources are no
longer accepted as GAAP.
You can access the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Financial Accounting
Standards Codification database at: Type in the following: 

Username: AAA52092
Password: 9PbU7QX

Click on “FASB Accounting Standards Codification” and the database will open. The
topics are found on the left side of the welcome page. Clicking on the topic will return the
subtopics and contents. You can access each topic by either scrolling over the topics and
subtopics until you find the related content or topic or by using the search box found in
the top right of the screen.  

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