Class, how does Renaissance polyphonic music compare to that of the Late Baroque works of Bach and Handel? 100 word count

Class, can you name a famous composer and their compositions, or songwriter and their songs, from the Contemporary Era, from any musical genre and/or world music culture? 100 word count

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Class, choose a vocal musical work from the Renaissance and Baroque.  How are these similar/different to one another? 100 word count

Class, discuss a way music shapes culture today. How does this differ from what occurred in the period from 1300-1750? 100 word count

Class, can you name some of the other Baroque composers? What are their most famous compositions? 100 word count

I have attach the element of music worksheet, and two piece of music to used are Britten- The young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra and Handel Messiah or you can pick two music from the other attachment lists


Select at least three of the musical works from this week’s listening. 

Review “Music and Civil Life in America.”

Discuss each of the following aspects from the music you selected:

  • How does the piece you chose exhibit the sheer pleasure of listening to music?
  • What sorts of emotion(s) are communicated to you in this music?  Is there any additional meaning expressed?
  • Describe the musical element that is most effective in this work to help achieve a personal connection with the listener.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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