For this assignment, you are asked to reflect on how the technical, team and development process impacts your career interests and goals.  The paper should be double-spaced and between 4-5 pages (assuming a 12-point font), with the following sections: 

Note: Please follow the points and explain according to that( in the view point of programmer the essay should be related to technologies, programming language)

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1. Introduction

Where you introduce yourself and what your career goal and interests are.  Try to be specific but naming compainies is not needed. 

—Computer science major who has interest more in developing software and familiar languages like c++programming, python, learing new framework,. 

—Goal is to develop apps like which make people life easier and time saving.

2. Technical Concepts

1. This is where you can talk about what technologies you interest you in further working with, that you need to learn more about, etc. as you look ahead to your career.  It does not have to be specific languages (though it can be), but it can also be frameworks, tools, platforms, etc.

—-Technologies : learing azure , what improvement and learning is necessary framework django

3. Teamwork

1. This is where you talk about how working in teams in terms of communication, project management, etc.

— how is communication and leadership skills

4. Software Development Concepts

This is where you talk about the activities and concepts you related to software development such as the overall process model (e.g. Iterative, Agile) or specific activities like Design or Testing.

— design process model example- waterfall model, iterative model– process to develop to app

5. Conclusion

1. Use this section to tie your reflection in the above areas together.

n Conclude overall and how excited and developing skills are helpful for future

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