Foreign Direct Investment In Detail.

hapter 8 – IB News Assignment

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Choose a country from the Big Emerging Markets list below. The list is obtained from the Market Potential Index (MPI) for Emerging Markets in the globalEDGE website (

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South Korea
South Africa

You will be doing the IB News Assignment on the same country throughout the semester.

Your assignment is to follow the International Business news about the country you chose. You are to find and briefly summarize and analyze an article that is related to the topic of each chapter we are covering in the unit. Your analysis should reflect a good understanding of the concepts in the chapters up to this point. You are required to use reliable sources (ex: The Economist, Business Week, scholarly articles, etc.; Wikipedia is NOT acceptable) and cite them in the APA style. You may also post the article in addition to providing its reference.

You cannot post the same news about the same country that a classmate posted earlier in the week. Several students may choose the same country, just make sure you do not post the same article.

You are welcome to comment on each others postings and enhance your learning experience.

How to reach reliable sources?
Through the International Business Research GuideLinks to an external site..
ABI/INFORM, globalEDGE, Factiva are some of the databases that will be useful.

How to cite sources in the APA style?
Go to the Citing ResourcesLinks to an external site. tab in the International Business Research Guide.

Foreign Direct Investment In Detail

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