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Identify a historical public health nurse who made significant contribution to the field of public health. Describe the event and the nurse’s intervention in response to the event. Discuss the outcome of the nurse’s intervention. How has this influenced the foundations of public health nursing today?


Review the three core functions and 10 essential public health services in the textbook. Imagine as a public health nurse, a 23-year-old recently unemployed single mother of a 6-month-old and 2-year-old enters your facility seeking your assistance for support in services for housing, food assistance, health care, and referrals for daily needs. Using these guiding principles, identify agencies within your community and the services they provide that may benefit this family.

Study Materials

Read “Public Health Nursing: A Rich History,” by Hogan, from Florida Nurse (2015). URL:

Read “The Origins of Public Health Nursing: The Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service,” by Fee and Bu, from NCBI (2010). URL:

Read “Public Health Nursing in the United States: A History,” by Lewenson, located on the Nurse Key website (2016). URL:



Examine the Quad Council of Public Health Nursing Organization competences as they relate to the standards of public health nursing practice. Identify a major public health issue facing nursing today and discuss ways in which you think these competencies ensure public health nurses are equipped to address the issue.


With the future of health care in the United States and public health needs changing, how can the masters-prepared public health nurse be influential within professional organizations to drive or support change? Consider issues of access, health disparities, and funding mechanism in your response.


Review Chapter 2 and read Chapter 5 in Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care. URL:

Read “Interprofessional Education Accreditation Standards in the USA: A Comparative Analysis,” by Zorek, from Journal of Interprofessional Care (2013). URL:

Explore the Healthy People website. URL:

Read “QuickFacts United States,” from United States Census Bureau (2017). URL:

Explore the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps website. URL:



Select a setting you would like to practice in as a public health nurse. What interests you about it? Discuss the population that is served. What are the primary health needs and barriers the population may face in obtaining access to necessary health promotion and disease prevention interventions? What is the nurse’s role in that setting in assisting the population in overcoming those barriers?


Discuss the public health nurse’s unique role as advocate the public health needs of the community. Consider factors such as policy, laws, regulation, and leadership in your response.


Review Chapter 1, and read Chapters 5, 6 and 18 in Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care. URL:

Read “Expanding Access to Care: Scope of Practice Laws,” by Hoke and Hexem, from Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (2017). URL:

Read “Considering Disparities: How Do Nurse Practitioner Regulatory Policies, Access to Care, And Health Outcomes Vary Across Four States?” by Sonenberg and Knepper, from Nursing Outlook (2017). URL:

Read “Public Health Nursing,” from American Nurses Association (n.d.). URL:

Explore the Healthy People website. URL:



Imagine speaking with a person whose first language is not English about experiences with health care professionals who do not speak his or her language. Identify social determinants for this person and interventions for meeting their needs.


Using the Participant Observation technique, identify health issues prominent within a cultural group from your community to describe your observations. What challenges might public health nurses face in eliminating bias in their assessment and treatment of people of other cultures? Discuss the public health nurse’s ethical and moral obligation to treat others equally and with respect in the context of Jesus’s teaching that we treat others as we would like to be treated.



Locate a current peer reviewed journal article that applies a nursing theory to guide public health nurses in community care. How can this theory be applied to public health interventions?


Several models support the practice of health promotion and disease prevention. Discuss one model that you can use in the public health setting and provide an example specific to your current situation. Consider what aspects the model incorporates from the Minnesota Department of Health’s public health intervention wheel in your response.


Review Chapter 2 and read Chapter 6 in Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care.URL:

Read “Changing Practice: Frameworks from Implementation Science,” by Flannery and Rotondo, from Oncology Nursing Forum (2016). URL:

Read “Application of the Self Care Deficit Nursing Theory: The Community Context,” by Green, from Self-Care, Dependent-Care & Nursing (2013). URL:

Read “Assessment of Collaboration in U.S. Health Care Delivery: A Perspective from Systems Theory,” by McCovery and Matusitz, from Social Work in Public Health (2014). URL:

Read “Public Health Interventions: Applications for Nursing Practice,” from the Minnesota Department of Health, (2018). URL: Explore the Nursing Theory website. URL:



After reading various topic resources and textbook chapters, summarize a historical ethical dilemma in public health. How may this relate to a current ethical dilemma? Were there any lessons learned from the historical event that can help public health nurses address the current ethical dilemma?


Using the ethical dilemma in discussion question one, discuss a role nurses could play in creating an ethical practice environment. How can you promote a quality ethical practice that supports the wellbeing of all humans?


Read Chapters 9 and 10 in Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care. URL:

Read “Fostering Nurses’ Moral Agency and Moral Identity: The Importance of Moral Community,” by Liaschenko and Peter, from Hastings Center Report (2016). URL:

Read “Safeguarding the Public’s Health: Ethical Nursing,” by Rushton and Broome, from Hastings Center Report (2015). URL:

Read “Laws & Regulations,” from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). URL:

Read ” Explore Legislation, Regulations & Policies,” from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015).URL:

Read “Specific Laws and Regulations Governing the Control of Communicable Diseases,” from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017).URL:

Explore the Public Health Law Center at Mitchell Hamline School of Law website.URL:



Describe the efforts of the American Public Health Association in quality improvement in health care delivery and public health. In what ways does this affect evaluation and population health management?


Visit the “Quick Facts United States,” resource to gather demographic data for your county of residence. Include age, ethnicity, poverty levels, housing, and education. Then visit the “County Health Rankings and Roadmaps,” website to collect epidemiological data from your county health department. Describe your findings and how population health data helps identify priority areas of concern.


Read Chapters 3,4,6,7 and 11-15 in Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care. URL:

Read “Utilizing Big Data to Provide Better Health at Lower Cost,” by Jones, Pulk, Gionfriddo, Evans, and Parry, from American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (2018). URL:

Read “The Winners of Data and Analytics: Finding Success in the Ever-Changing Information Landscape,” from HealthLeaders Magazine (2017). URL:

Read “Using Data to Cut Unneeded Care,” by Whitman, from Modern Healthcare (2017). URL:

Review “QuickFacts United States,” from United States Census Bureau (2017). URL:

Explore the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps website. URL:



Discuss your topic you chose for your presentation in this topic. Discuss why you chose the topic and the impact it has on public health nursing. Provide feedback to your classmates to assist in the development of the presentation in this topic.


Review the four phases of emergency management during a disaster and explain the concept of resilience of the public health nurse in this process.


Read Chapters 16, 17, and 18 in Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care. URL:

Read “Increased Consumer Communication and Knowledge Leads to Higher Quality in Health Care,” by Adams, Rush, Leddy, Cook, Leach, Bollinger, and Hoyle, from Radiologic Technology (2016). URL:

Read “Bending the Cost Curve and Improving Quality of Care in America’s Poorest City,” by Miller, Cunningham, and Ali, from Population Health Management (2013). URL:

Read “Using Prevention and Measurement to Drive Quality Improvement,” by Smiley, from Journal of Dental Hygiene (2015). URL:

Read “Building a Culture of Health,” from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (n.d.). URL:

Read “Global Public Health,” from Johnson and Johnson (2018). URL:

Explore the GCU Technical Support Help Center for instructions on downloading the Field Experience Site Information Form. URL:


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