Foundations Of Medical Admin Mod 5. Read the scenario below and complete what follows.

You just accepted a role as medical administrator at a podiatrist medical office. There are many responsibilities associated with this position including managing the office, patient registration, insurance verification/referrals, and scheduling following up appointments. As you navigate through your first day at work, the waiting room is full and a patient with a severe foot infection is seeking treatment without an appointment. As part of your new position and responsibilities, you will be required to review, assess, and participate in all medical administrative duties that will support this patient.

As the new medical administrator, you have will complete an encounter form of the new patient with a severe foot infection.
Complete the steps below:

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  • Patients Information in EHR System
    • Describe the process for entering the patient’s information in the Electronic Health Record. Summarize the importance of this process being accurate
  • Appointment Follow-up
    • Outline the steps for following-up with the patient after their appointment
  • Identify Patient Waiting Room Improvements
    • Outline improvements that should be made to the waiting room that help assist the patients
  • Describe Patient Relation Improvement Techniques and Policy Creation
    • Summarize the policies the office should have for patient’s without appointments, managing patients’ wait time, and registering patients

Foundations Of Medical Admin Mod 5

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