GLISI Module Assignment.
Modules developed by the Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement (GLISI) are used as one of the foundational elements for the class. There are four modules used for the course. Each module has either 3 or 4 topics. You are to study the entire module and for each topic, write a reflection paper consisting of an overview of the task and YOUR thoughts on how it can be used in a real school setting to analyze data and create school improvement. In addition, you should choose ONE topic for each module and complete that topic with a small group of your colleagues. For example, if you choose Five Whys for the Leading the Team To Analyze Root Causes module, you should select 4 to 6 colleagues, and lead them through a activity (you choose topic). The writing assignment for the module you choose for colleagues should include the write-up of the actual activity describing the group and how the activity worked with them. Somebody is going to ask, “How long should the reflection paper be?” My standard answer is long enough to appropriately cover the assignment. For the topics that do not include your colleagues, you should be able to complete the assignment in 1.5 to 2 pages. For the module used with your colleagues, the length will probably be 3-4 pages. Assignments should not exceed 10 pages in length.
Each assignment should include:
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Order Paper Now- One paper for each topic (1.5-2 pages each x 3 or 4 topics)
- One paper summary of the activity you implemented (3-4 pages)
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