Global Economy Final Research Paper. 1. The course final research paper is a formatted MUST BE APA 6E paper.

2. It is 12 pages, double-spaced of content from Title Page through References.

3. The Final papers will contain a title page, TOC, abstract, introduction/topic paragraph, summary/conclusion, and references page.

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4. Research paper topics can be on any course-related topic in the field of Information Technology, e-Participation, Policy-Making in a Complex World, Organizational Decision-Making, ICT for Policy-Making, Challenges to Policy-Making, Benefits of Information Technology in Global Economy, etc…

6. Be advised that the research paper will ONLY use research work that is “Peer-reviewed”.

7. Paper must have a total of 10-references that support your research work.

8. It is important to refer to the APA 6E guidance to make certain that paper is APA 6E guide compliant.

9. Lastly, make sure that your SafeAssign similarity report score is less than 15% match other sources work.

Global Economy Final Research Paper

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