Global mindset.




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Chapter 1 Understand Yourself feature gives you the chance to self-assess your global mindset. Global mindset reflects how well we influence people, groups, and organizations from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. The ability to work effectively with people from many parts of the world will help you to perform well on the job and advance your career faster. After completing the self-assessment, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think that your score accurately reflects your global mindset? Why or why not? What, if anything, is missing from the assessment?
  2. How do you think that having a higher global mindset will help you to be a better manager and leader? How can this characteristic help you succeed in your career?
  3. What might you do in the next year to increase your global mindset? Identify and discuss three specific behaviors, activities, or other things that increase your global mindset.

As you are answering these questions, try to see these issues from the perspective of how individual, group, organizational system, and technology affect the change process. Second, identify individual and group attributes that influence work behavior and organizational effectiveness. Last, look at different types of diversity and barriers to inclusion that exist in the workplace.

Please write a 650 word summary, including your actual results (scores, for example) along with your areas of strength and opportunities for growth. 

Submit this assignment as a Word document, using the APA format. Title page and references are not included in the 650-word requirement.

Global mindset

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