We spent a large amount of time in class talking about “good” systems and “not so good” systems…and we saw some of the characteristics of each…and I am sure (at least I hope) that while we discussing it, you were thinking of systems that you think are good, and those that you think are not so good…

So for this assignment, I want you to tell me one system that you think is good, and one system that you think is not so good…if it is a website, include the link…tell me SPECIFICALLY why you think the system is good or not so good…and tell me how you would improve on what they have…

And I know your next question…how long does this assignment have to be?…well, I am not really into counting words…but just to give you some perspective, I would say that by the time you are done, you should have a least one full page and maybe two full pages…if you wrote half a page, you probably wrote too little…if you wrote 5 full pages, you wrote too much…as I always tell my classes – just write!…and before you know it, you will have 1 to 2 pages…

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Remember, any assignment turned in after the due date and time will lose 5 points per day…so make sure you get these in on time…

And as always…if you have ANY questions about ANYTHING, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and ask…

Have a great week!…

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