GRO 1.2.

Throughout the next four weeks, you will complete a Weekly Learning Activity Assignment, using the worksheets provided. These assignments will build upon each other, and create the foundation of your Week 5 Final Paper.  The topic content of each of the Weekly Learning Activities are listed below. These are also the four main parts required for your Final Paper. This assignment is the first step toward completing your Final Paper in Week 5. It is recommended that you review the Learning Activity assignments and review the Final Paper prompt before beginning this assignment.

  • Week 1 – Learning about Death
  • Week 2 – Facing Death
  • Week 3 – Hospice
  • Week 4 – A Death of One’s Own

The weekly worksheets will help you build all of the necessary parts for your Final Paper. It is recommended that you review the Learning Activity assignments and review the Final Paper prompt before beginning this assignment. This week, you will examine and evaluate Americans perception of death. In the worksheet, you will describe the development of these perceptions. This effort begins the process of critically analyzing key components of death and dying in the U.S.

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To complete the assignment, save the Week 1 Learning Activity Worksheet to your computer, fill it out, and submit it via WayPoint.

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