Gross Profit Margin, business and finance homework help.

In a comprehensive summary of your firm, analyze following financial information for your firm for the last three years.

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  • Revenue 
  • Net Income
  • Profitability Ratios
    • Gross Profit Margin
    • Net Profit Margin
    • Return on Assets
  • Liquidity Ratios
    • Current Ratio
  • Market Ratios
    • Earnings per Share
    • Price to Earnings Ratio
  • Debt measures
    • Debt to Asset Ratio
  • Explain what each ratio and piece of financial data means and explain the trends in each; are they increasing or decreasing and is this trend positive or negative for the firm and why? Analyze this financial data!
  • Using the information from IP4, explain the Sustainable Growth Rate for your firm and what it means for your company (do NOT copy and paste the information from IP4! This is not what the assignment requires)
  • Using the financial data, ratios, proforma, and SGR, summarize and reflect on the future financial health of your firm.

Be sure to document your statements with credible sources, in-text citations, and references using proper APA format.

Gross Profit Margin, business and finance homework help

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