2. Pfizer, 


Drugs: Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, https://www.enjuris.com/pharmaceutical-liability/lyrica-cymbalta-lawsuits.html

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The criminal fine was $1.3 billion, and the additional $1 billion was for civil allegations under the False Claims Act. Pfizer falsely promoted Bextra, antipsychotic drug Geodon, antibiotic Zyvox, and antiepileptic Lyrica. The company was also accused of paying kickbacks related to these drugs and submitting false claims to government health care programs based on uses that weren’t medically accepted.

Please explain the legal issue in the above mentioned case- Focus on the administrative law.

Must be 6-7 pages APA format-


Chapter 6

Title: Business ISBN: 9780357447642 Authors: Marianne M. Jennings Publication Date: 2021-01-01 Edition: 12th Edition

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