Health in the News.

Due Sunday,

Health in the News

This assignment is designed to encourage you to think about the ways health issues are conveyed in the public domain, as well as provide an opportunity for me to get to know your interests in the field of health.

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Choose a health issue that interests you and identify an article in a newspaper related to it. The article can be from a printed or electronic version of the newspaper, but keep in mind that electronic papers usually require a free or paid registration. Include a link to the article or scan the article and attach it as well.

Write a brief essay on the article, covering the following:


1) Why is this topic of interest to you?

2) Did the article cover the aspects of the health issue that concern you most?

3) Were any psychological issues covered?

4) What research was reported in the news article to support their approach to the health issue?

5) How would you evaluate the article’s level of coverage of the health issue (find a peer-reviewed citation to assess accuracy)?

This paper is to be 5 pages (not including title page and references). Provide references for the newspaper article and peer-reviewed journal article in APA format

Health in the News

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