How’s China’s policies influence it’s productivity growth?.


In my current class, our teacher form the class in a team and wanted to collaborate in a Team Assignment. We choose China and the equipment we want to outsource is IPHONE. The part that I’m assigned to is the question: how’s China policies influence its productivity growth? The scenario is below:

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Scenario: The organizations strategic plan calls for an aggressive growth plan, requiring investment in facilities and equipment, growth in productivity, and labor over the next five years. It is your team’s task to determine where, outside the United States, your organization should locate its new manufacturing plant. I have researched my part (I’m attaching a file) , but I can’t seem to find words for it (I’m trying not to have a plagiarism). I can only do 200 words for this question. Can you help me?

How’s China’s policies influence it’s productivity growth?

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