HR ppt.

power point slides (with 100-150words speaker notes per slides)

For this assignment, your group will prepare a presentation for the sales manager explaining your training plan to assist the sales team in generating revenue.

From the individual plans posted to the Discussion Board, your group should select one of the identified needs on which to focus your training plan.

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Once you have selected the need you will address in your training, collaborate as a group to develop a training plan. Use the Small Group Discussion Board to discuss and plan your approach.

Group Deliverable: PowerPoint presentation of 10–12 slides with presenter notes

You will present the elements of this training plan as a PowerPoint file. The plan should be consolidated into 10–12 PowerPoint slides (with presenter notes) for the purpose of presenting the details of your training plan to the sales manager.

Your presentation should address each of the following components of the training plan, although you may change the order:

I only need 2 slides and to address the audience only

HR ppt

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