Identify prevalent issues or diseases that affect the health of your community (the specific populations you serve)..


  1. Now that you have completed Lesson 23 & 24 and have thought about the factors that affect the health of various communities, do the following:
    1. Identify prevalent issues or diseases that affect the health of your community (the specific populations you serve).
    2. Compare and contrast two (2) specific populations in your practice that are affected by the above issue(s) or disease(s) by listing their commonalities and their differences.
    3. Base on the information above, how can you change or refine your practice to meet each community’s specific needs?
  2. Your paper should:
    • be typed doubled-space.
    • a total of 5 paragraphs (not counting your list of commonalities and differences).
    • Use factual information.
    • be original work and will be checked for plagiarism.
    • have required APA format if references are utilized – type references according to the APA Style Guide.
    • book reference: Professional Nursing Practice Concepts and perspectives eidition 7

Identify prevalent issues or diseases that affect the health of your community (the specific populations you serve).

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