Implications of Forensic Assessments.

To prepare

  • Review the case study provided in Chapter 5 of the course text.
  • Review the Learning Resources.
  • Consider the following questions: 
    • What did the psychologist consider when he chose the specific test instruments? 
    • Why did the psychologist utilize the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)? 
    • Since the counsel on the case did not request a risk assessment, why did the forensic psychologist choose to utilize the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) along with the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R) and the Static-99? 
    • Why is it important that a forensic psychology practitioner, who does not administer test instruments, have an understanding of these test instruments in his or her work?

Post a response to the following, based on the case study:

  • Provide a brief summary of the case.
  • Explain what role the forensic psychology professional played in selecting the forensic risk assessment instrument used in the case.
  • Explain characteristics of the assessment that make it effective for this case.
  • Explain the implications regarding the selection of the assessment instrument and its impact on the outcome of the case.

Implications of Forensic Assessments

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