Incident Commander (Scenario).


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Abortion Clinic

 EMS, fire and law enforcement responders are dispatched to a report of an explosion at an abortion clinic on a Sunday morning. The clinic has been the target of numerous organized protests, picketing, death threats, and harassment of the staff, along with gunfire into the clinic and unfounded bomb threats. The clinic is a stand-alone structure and is closed and unoccupied. Upon arrival responders note debris, dust and glass in the street in front of the facility. A passing motorist reports the stench of “vomit” as he drove by the clinic following the explosion. You are the incident commander.

  • What steps should responders take?
  • What are the potential hazards? Should responders proceed into the scene?
  • Has the motorist been exposed to any harmful substance? What created the smell?
  • Is there a toxic material involved?

350-400 words

Incident Commander (Scenario)

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