Individual Project 5 Organizations and Globalization.

Over the past several weeks, you have been learning about the various issues surrounding the challenges and numerous situations that exist legally that differ from those of the United States. You have been placed in charge of the Business Development and Expansion committee for your company. You are charged with the task of researching and identifying a country to expand your company’s operations. Take the feedback from the Phase 4 DB into consideration, and make any additions or deletions as you deem necessary.

Your international business expansion plan should include the concepts and ideas that were covered over the past several weeks. You are to select a country that does not recognize all of the established legal guidelines reviewed previously, but the potential profit that could be realized warrants the risk. The following points need to be addressed in your international business expansion plan:

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  • The issue of common and civil law systems internationally
  • Intellectual property, copyright infringements, and legal ramifications
  • Violation of human rights of employees and child labor law violations
  • Public perception of companies doing business with companies that engage in that kind of activity
  • What has been the impact of the European Union of the business environment?
  • Anything else that you deem important to support your international business expansion plan

    The deliverable length is 1,300-1,500 words. Do not forget to include a cover page and reference page with all of your resources.

    Assignment Guidelines:

    Your international business expansion plan should demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and ideas covered throughout the course.

    Ensure that the assignment adheres to APA formatting and it meets the required deliverable length.

    Don’t forget to cite your resources.

    Individual Project 5 Organizations and Globalization

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