Info Governance dis 4.2. Strict APA format 1 page and no references before 2015.


Chapter 8 – Discussion #1

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Week 4 – Chapter 9 – Discussion #2

Chapter Nine (9): Information Governance (IG) and Records and Information Management Functions. From the Chapter, we have learned from that Records Management (RM) is a key impact area of IG – so much that in the RM space, IG is often thought of as synonymous with or a single superset of RM. From that perspective, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defined business records as “information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction in the form of records.”

Q1: To further enhance our knowledge and understanding of RM, ISO provided a more refined definition of RM to a granular level as “[the] field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of what…? Identify and complete the missing phrase to directly complete the granular definition?

2. Write on any two topic 50 words each from Same above question (50 words x 2)

Note: Create a new page other than paper in the same document for two topics

Info Governance dis 4.2

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