Information Gathering Techniques. Create a report for your Manager on Information-Gathering Techniques.

Gathering information for a new system is important and sets the tone of the development cycle. If not done thoroughly, the project could be a failure before it begins.

You are the Project Manager of XYZ Enterprises. Your manager gives you the task of researching the different techniques used to gather information as the company is going to replace their Case Management System. He would like a report of all the different type of information gathering listed below. For each technique, give reasons to use it and the best ways to accomplish using each gathering information method.

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Interviewing users and stakeholders

Distributing and collecting questionnaires

Observing and documenting business procedures

Collecting active user comments and suggestions

Researching vendor solutions

  • Just make the HEADERS of the paper sections numbered 1-5 (taken from the grading rubric) and answer each question in order. Make a reference section at the end in APA format for the minimum 3 references. 
  • 1. Researched: Gave reasons for use and best practices using: Interviewing users and Stakeholders (22.1 Points)
  • 2. Researched: Give reasons for use and best practices using distribution and collecting questionnaires.   (22.1 Points)
  • 3. Researched: Give reasons for use and best practices using observing and documenting business procedures. (21.1 Points)
  • 4. Researched: Give reasons for use and best practices using collecting active user comments and suggestions. (22.1 Points)
  • 5.  Researched: Give reasons for use and best practices using researching vendor solutions. (22.1 Points)
  • 6. Use at least 3 Quality Resources. (6.5 Points) 
  • 7. Clarity and writing mechanics.  (13 Points)  

Information Gathering Techniques

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