Information security and risk management.

The majority of the paper MUST address the highlighted topic(s) below as it relates to Information Security Risk Management. Specific case studies, hardware, software, service or systems may be used as short examples but should only represent a small portion of the total paper. Select one or more of the following topics

  1. How Analytics is used in Information Security Risk Management
    2. Information Security Risk Management in the IT Data Centers

Using either or both of the topics above,

write a research paper which includes between 5 and 10 References/Cited-Works (a majority dated 2015 or newer) of

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which 2 must be Peer-Reviewed. Highlight the Peer-Reviewed works (in Yellow) on the Reference/Works-Cited last page. Once the paper is completed, add an Overview to the Introduction of the paper. The Overview must contain at least one Hypothesis and a Synopsis of what is contained in the paper. For this paper, a Hypothesis is a statement you believe to be true based on the research you conducted. As an example: “Small businesses are less likely to conduct a thorough risk assessment”. The quality and thoroughness of the paper, as defined in the rubric, will determine the grade assigned. Papers containing the minimum number of references and/or minimum number of pages will most likely not earn a high grade.

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