Informative Essay.

Assignment 1

Write a short, informative essay, aimed at your fellow college students, that explains what kinds of writing can be found in your major academic/career field (PSYCHOLOGY) online and local libraries.

Ensure the following:

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Identify the types of writing done by academics in your major and/or professionals in your intended career field. 

Find at least 4 sources that address how writers write in your discipline, major, or career.

Exploratory Assignment Rubric

Clearly focused around a creative and insightful central thesis/message. The writer lays out clear reasons/points that contribute to the overall central thesis/message. Everything in the writing contributes to the development of the message.

There is a variety of support (anecdotes, quotes, description, examples, etc.). The support is vivid, concrete, and connects clearly to the message. The piece raises well-thought out questions, or pursues a line of reasoning in an unexpected or unusual direction. 

The introduction and conclusion creatively tie the message together. Each paragraph is focused and effectively developed around an individual point. The overall paragraph organization is effective and creative. Transitions are effective and establish complex relationships between points.

The sentences are complex and effective, and the word choice is sophisticated. The writer uses sentence structure and word choice in creative ways to establish tone and meaning. There may be one or two very minor errors, but no patterns of error. 

All words and ideas from sources external to the writer are accurately documented via standard academic documentation guidelines (i.e., MLA or APA)

Informative Essay

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