A speech about objects, people, events or concepts (excluding anything medical or disease-related).

SPECIFIC PURPOSE: ________________________________________

Your topic should incorporate the following:

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  • creativity,
  • originality,
  • the needs and interests of your audience.
  • Video editing and video stopping/pausing are NOT allowed. 

OUTLINE: see p 246-247 (Preparation Outline). Your main points should be in complete sentence form. The outline is submitted to the “Outline Dropbox“.

SOURCES: (4) – they must be referred to during your speech at the appropriate time and included on your outline. If you interview someone, they must be an expert on the subject. You will need to tell us their name, title and where they may be reached.

METHOD: extemporaneous

TIME ALLOTMENT: 5-6 minutes

VISUAL AIDS: posters or powerpoint (required).


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