Internet-Based Contracting Issues.

Great Buys is an internet-based company headquartered in New York that sells household electronics to consumers in the United States. The management team at Great Buys has some concerns about its online contracting process. The management team asks you, the company’s contract manager, to work with your team and address their concerns that include the following:

  • Consumers have argued they are not bound to the online contract because there’s no handwritten “pen and ink” signature.

Create  1-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with visuals and very detailed speaker notes that provides answers to Great Buys’ concerns, as well as recommendations for specific contract clauses or language. You can incorporate graphics or animation.

Again only 1 slide, Consumers have argued they are not bound to the online contract because there’s no handwritten “pen and ink” signature, should be the title of the slide and then you will need to explain this.  Detailed speaker notes please and reference or references

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Internet-Based Contracting Issues

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