
y-hat = 14 + 7.34x

y-hat = 3 + 25 In(x)

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In(y-hat) = 2 + 0.08x; se = 0.06

In(y-hat) = 2.5 + 0.48 In(x); se = 0.16


Interpret the slope coefficient in each of the above estimated models, when x increase by one unit in Models 1 and 3 and by 1% in Models 2 and 4. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)

  Model 1: y-hat increases by  units.    7.34   ;

  Model 2: y-hat increases by about  units.  0.25  

  Model 3: y-hat increases by about  percent.   8.00



  Model 4: y-hat increases by about  percent.   .48



For each model, what is the predicted change in y when x increases by 6%, from 10 to 10.6?


Model 1: y-hat increases by  units.     4.40

  Model 2: y-hat increases by  units.   1.46

  Model 3: y-hat increases by  percent.   4.92

  Model 4: y-hat increases by  percent.   2.84


3. Consider the sample regressions for the linear, the logarithmic, the exponential, and the log-log models. For each of the estimated models, predict y when x equals 57. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)



Response Variable: y

  Response Variable: ln(y)


Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

Model 4
























  Model 1


  Model 2


  Model 3


  Model 4




4. Eva, the owner of Eva’s Second Time Around Wedding Dresses, currently has five dresses to be altered, shown in the order in which they arrived:
Description: Picture 

If Eva uses the shortest processing time first priority rule to schedule these jobs, what will be the average job tardiness?

Description: correct[removed]

2 hours




Eva, the owner of Eva’s Second Time Around Wedding Dresses, currently has five dresses to be altered, shown in the order in which they arrived:

 Description: Picture 

If Eva uses the shortest processing time first (SPT) priority rule to schedule these jobs, what will be the average completion time?


3 hours


5 hours

Description: correct[removed]

7 hours









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