Interview Paper. Requirements:
- Choose an entrepreneur in an industry you are interested in. (Interview just ONE entrepreneur).
- The person should be anyone that started a business or was part of a founding team.
- Do not choose anyone that is part of your immediate family (brother/sister/parent). Extended family is OK (cousins, uncles, aunts).
- It does not matter if the business succeeded or failed.
- Avoid lifestyle businesses such yoga instructors, personal trainers, web designers. The company must have more than just one employee.
- Extensions will not be granted due to entrepreneur scheduling issues.
- Include a cover page with name, date, email and your unique LinkedIn URL.
- Keep in mind that this is a formal essay essay and not a collection of bullet points.
- Please note – I am VERY picky on grammar. Make sure to PROOFREAD your paper!
- 1,000 word minimum, single spaced, and 12 point Times New Roman font.
- The paper must include the thank you letter that was sent to the entrepreneur after the interview with the entrepreneur’s contact information. If I get the impression you didn’t actually conduct the interview, I will be reaching out to the entrepreneur.
Topics to Cover:
- Background:
- What is/was the business? Describe it in detail.
- Did the entrepreneur start the business with any co-founders? Did they stay onboard?
- Was the business successful?
- Did the entrepreneur write a business plan? If so, did it help in building the business?
- If the company broke even, how long did it take?
- What was the entrepreneur’s previous work history?
- Were any of his/her parents, relatives or close friends entrepreneurs?
- Does the entrepreneur have any role models or mentors?
- What was their educational background? Was it helpful? How?
- Critique the entrepreneur’s process. Was there something the entrepreneur should/could have done differently?
- Include a funny scenario that will potentially make the reader laugh OR one that will make the reader sad.
- Make sure to include direct quotes from the entrepreneur.
- Outside Help
- Did the entrepreneur team raise any outside capital? If so, where did it come from? (friends, family, angels, banks, bootstrapping)
- Did the entrepreneur receive any help from mentors or outside organizations?
- Personal Life:
- Did the entrepreneur have a “triggering event” that was the reason why the venture got started?
- How did starting the business change the entrepreneur’s personal life?
- How many hours a day/week did/does the entrepreneur work on the venture?
- What was the entrepreneur’s most triumphant or exciting moment? Their worst moment?
- Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:
- Does the entrepreneur have any advice to give to aspiring entrepreneurs?
- Which one personality trait helped them the most in developing their business?
- Is there a book/article/movie that the entrepreneur recommends other aspiring entrepreneurs to read/watch?
- If the entrepreneur was able to do it over again, would they?
- What is the most important thing you learned from interviewing the entrepreneur?
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