Intimate Partner Violence. The grading guidelines are as follow:

Ethics Final Paper–Evaluation Rubric

Possible Score

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Your Score

Introduction:  Summary of what is known about the ethical issue

Well summarized (20)  Adequately summarized (15), Superficially summarized (10)  Poorly summarized (5)


Ethical Dimensions of the Issue Identified and Discussed (why is this an ethical issue)

Ethical Dimensions Clearly Identified (5), Superficially identified (2), Not identified (0)

Ethical Dimensions Clearly Discussed (5), Superficially discussed (2), Not discussed (0)


Relevance of the Ethical Issue to Health Professions/Nursing

Relevance of the Ethical Issue to Nursing well described (10), Adequately described (7), Poorly summarized (3)


Relevant Ethical Analysis (Principles, Ethical Theories, Laws, and Standards of Practice)

Complete Analysis of Principles, Ethical Theories, Laws, and SOP (30)

Adequate Analysis (15), Superficial Analysis (10), Poorly Analyzed (5)


Personal Professional Response to the Issue

Thorough discussion (10), Adequate Discussion (7), Superficial Discussion (5)


Conclusion: Reflection of What you Learned

Reflection clearly articulated (8), adequately articulated (6), superficially articulated (4), poorly articulated (2)


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar—pdf. version of paper WILL NOT be accepted and will result in a grade of zero points for the assignment without discussion

No errors (10), 1-2 errors (8), 3-4 errors (6), 5 or more errors (4), errors obscure meaning or the instructions for the assignment were disregarded (2)


Clarity and Organization – Rubric Headings utilized

Headings utilized, paper clear/concise/organized (10)

Headings not utilized, paper clear/concise/organized (7),

No Headings, paper unclear/ not concise/disorganized (5),

Lack of organization obscures meaning or you have not corrected feedback given in prior assignments (2)


Correct APA Style (6th or 7th)

No errors (5), 1-2 errors (4), 3-4 errors (3), 5-6 errors (2),6-7 errors (1), 8 or more errors (0)


Correct Length 7 pages of text, PLUS title page and references



Minimum of 3 professional nursing references, 5 years old or less



Total Points


Intimate Partner Violence

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